Baseline monitoring trip kickstarted the WASH Model Village Project!

25.2.2023 - Nepal (2023 -2025)

WASH Model Village Project was officially started in the beginning of 2023 with a  baseline study monitoring trip to the project area. The trip aimed to getting a better picture of the project area and to find out the situation and needs of the communities. Petri and Juho from the project team participated on the trip.

Purpose of the trip

Main purpose of the trip was to conduct baseline monitoring in some communities in the project area in order to get a more detailed picture of the situation in the communities and the gap to the targeted level in the project. In addition, baseline questionnaire and monitoring checklists could be finalized taking into account the experiences during the baseline trip. Results of the baseline study will be used for preparation of a more detailed work plan for the entire project, especially regarding infrastructure improvements, and annual work plan for 2023.

The trip also served the purpose of getting to know the local partner’s (CATN) project team and to create mutual understanding and personal relationships, which will help collaboration during the project. 

In addition, in-person meetings with local municipality and ward level officials will likely help in the negotiations which aim to involve the municipality in funding of infrastructure improvements within the project scope.   

Successful results

The baseline trip was successful - we were able to achieve a number of important steps as described below

Baseline monitoring was conducted in selected communities, and baseline survey and data recording formats were elaborated based on the experiences in these communities. Project team got to know the project area and got a more detailed picture of the situation and needs in the communities to reach the project targets. Baseline monitoring was conducted in two communities. Baseline questionnaire and monitoring checklists were updated and a data entry form was created based on the experiences in the two communities. Format for the community level work plan was created to be used in preparation of the work plan for 3 years and detailed work plan for 2023

CATN’s field office was visited and utilized for project purposes. The office is well established and suitable for the project needs. WaterFinns representatives Juho and Petri got to know CATN team personally, and collaboration practices were developed. CATN’s core team seems competent and experienced in the area with similar projects, e.g. NAPA WASH 2. Some uncertainty remains about the role and competence of certain team members, especially those who don’t speak English.

Meetings with municipality and ward level officials were held, and mutual understanding of public contribution to infrastructure improvements was expressed. Project team including WF representatives got familiar with achievements of previous WF projects in the area. Some of them can be used as examples in this project as well, such as the Mirtung community sanitation level. Project team met Finnish Embassy representatives and gave a briefing about the project.

Household monitoring in Bandipur

Household monitoring in Bandipur

25 years old taps built by Finnish Lumbini project still in use
25 years old taps built by Finnish Lumbini project still in use
Meeting with teachers and principal in Kirtipur

Meeting with teachers and principal in Kirtipur