Great news from Andegna-Ashoka!

29.11.2021 - Ethiopia (2021 - 2024)

When we made the project plan last year, one of our three project schemes was non-functional due to the water pump falling into its borehole during maintenance. This meant that the people living in Andegna-Ashoka had to travel approximately three hours to get their water from other kebeles.

Attempts were made to fish the pump from the borehole, but there was no success for almost two years. During the site visit, we discovered that SNNP Region Water Bureau had managed to lift the broken pump and pipes from the borehole. They also had fixed the pump and replaced the broken pipes, thus making the scheme functional again!

We visited the site after the launching workshop to see for ourselves. The scheme was in need of serious maintenance, but in spite of this water was coming out of the water points! Visiting the site also inspired practical improvement ideas in Girma, Haile and Arto.      

Andegna-Ashoka and some of its inhabitants. Photo: Anni Juvakoski