The RIWASH project in Ethiopia was lauched in January 2021, by signing of cooperation agreements and a project launching workshop.
Before the actual launch of the RIWASH project, Water Action and all relevant Halaba zone authorities gathered in Halaba-Kulito town to sign a cooperation agreement on January 12th 2021. Water Action signed with Jamel Nuriye Lambebo (Zone Finance Department Head), Alemayehu Getachew Aman (Halaba Zone Health Department Head), Gemeda Mohammed Abdella (Halaba Zone Water, Mines and Energy Head) and Mohammedkemale Nuriye Mundino (Halaba Zone Education Department Head). Signing the agreement was essential for the success of the project because it confirmed the much-needed support of local authorities. The event took place in high spirits and everybody was wearing the traditional Halaba straw hat!
(Photo: Anni Juvakoski 2021)
Stakeholders signing the cooperation agreement. (Photo: Haile Gabriel Belay 2021)
To officially start the project, all relevant stakeholders of RIWASH project gathered in Halaba-Kulito for a one-day launching workshop. Among others, two members of the WASHCOs from each of the three project kebeles (Alemtena, Andegna-Ashoka and Hamata), woreda and zone administrators, as well as health, women’s affairs and education officers, attended the event. Water Action facilitated the event in the Halaba View hotel and they also presented their organization in addition to the project. Arto and Anni presented WaterFinns and the project background.
Arto presenting the project background. (Photo: Haile Gabriel Belay 2021)
We also heard very positive speeches from the zone and woreda administrators, who warmly welcomed the project to the area. After the presentations, everybody had a chance to voice their opinions. We heard helpful suggestions and comments from for example WASHCOs and health officers. The day was concluded by taking the group picture you see below.
Launching workshop attendees and workshop banner in the background. (Photo: Anni Juvakoski 2021)