
Kanchanpur (2010-2014)

Kanchanpur Arsenic Mitigation and Sanitation Project, Nepal (2010-2014)

In Daijee village, high groundwater arsenic content has caused poisonous effects to water users and sanitation coverage has been low. The Kanchanpur Arsenic Mitigation and Sanitation Project contributed towards the development of a sustainable community based arsenic mitigation systems and proper sanitation by assisting the inhabitants to build arsenic removing filters and sanitation components.

The education and construction for the project was arranged by a committee consisting of the community people of Daijee, presenting different ethnical groups and both genders. The project was done in co-operation with local Nepali National Social Welfare Association (NNSWA). Preparatory phase was done in 2010 and construction was started in the beginning of 2012. Final construction numbers includes 170 pieces of latrines, 10 platforms of tube wells, 1 000 meters of village drainage and 50 pieces of arsenic filters.